Below are some FREE gifts to help you slow down & practice rest.
Take a Rest Inventory
What’s the difference between ‘pseudo-rest’ & ‘real’ rest? Find out now with this free & helpful tool.
‘Moments of Pause’ Guide
Learn to prioritise small moments of pause in your every day life with this short, practical guide.
The Emotional Pulse Check: Quick Guide
Go deeper in learning how to live in a soulful way every day, with this simple self-reflection tool.
Sand Between Your Toes Phone Screens
Choose from a selection of FREE quote graphics to help remind you to pause & rest throughout your day…
Songs of Rest Playlist
Each track is hand-picked because it conveys something of the heart behind my book, ‘Sand Between Your Toes’.
Drawing Near eBook
This eBook is a collection of short essays from myself & other writer friends, packed with inspiration for tired & busy mums.
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