On Singleness & Faith

I recently met a good friend for lunch, who shared how hurt she felt by some teaching she’d just heard on singleness in her church…

This surprised me because this particular friend of mine is not exactly the type of person who takes offence easily. And she’s not someone who’s holding back on life or waiting for a man before she steps out, either. I know that she’d really like to get married one day, but she approaches life with a kind of joy, enthusiasm, and spontaneity which very few other people I know share.

So, it kind of got me thinking …


35% of the church

Statistics show that about 35 percent of adult church members in Britain today are single. But you really wouldn’t think it, considering how little attention singleness is given by most churches today.

I know that singleness is a broad and diverse issue. Being single at 20 is very different from being single at 30, 40, or even 70. Some people are single simply because they have not yet found a marriage partner, or because of divorce, or widowhood, whilst others may have actively chosen it as a lifestyle – at least for a season.

But, whilst I appreciate that not everyone who is single will feel frustrated by their situation, for the vast majority of those who are single I think it can be really unhelpful when the church treats singleness as if it’s just a waiting room for marriage.

Because whether it’s explicitly expressed as an opinion, or just implied through omission or a lack of emphasis, when we act as if singleness is somehow God’s second best, it’s not only damaging to individuals but it’s also entirely un-Biblical.


Back to the Bible

1 Corinthians 7 highlights that marriage can be good, but so can singleness too. According to Paul the apostle, both are gifts from God.

“But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that”

(1 Corinthians 7: 7)

The apostle Paul doesn’t stop there, either. He says that it is better to be single like him if you can cope with it, because someone who is single can actually devote themselves more fully to God’s work. What an incredibly true, but so often over-looked and disregarded point of view in our church culture today!

But in fact, my own experience of singleness in my 20’s was that I was free to serve God in a number of ways that I no longer can now, due to my responsibilities as a mother and wife.

I spent some time as a student worker at my church and self-funded the role with part-time work. I did an unpaid Christian gap year working with YWAM on missions in both the UK and abroad. And I also spent a number of years living in a shared community with other young singles, where I could disciple other new or ‘not yet’ christians in a very ‘hands on’ kind of way.


Singleness is not second-best

For many people, singleness isn’t forever, but certainly for a season of life whilst they wait to meet the right partner.

But the truth is that whether singleness is just a season in someone’s life, or a chosen longer-term calling, treating it like it’s just making the best of a bad situation or as if they are somehow less complete because of their marriage status, is massively under-valuing and under-utilising a huge section of the church.

We are all made complete in Christ, and marriage doesn’t add to or change to his work.


Being part of the solution

If you are part of a couple or a nuclear family right now, why not ask God how you can be a part of the solution?

Often times, the answer to that might not require any huge commitment from you. It might just mean a subtle shift in your awareness of others around you, or making small changes in how you talk about and think about singleness.

For others, it may mean considering something more practical, like how you choose to include others into your family life. For example, how often are you inviting single friends over for dinner, or just to hang out with you and your family?

And, if you’re single right now, I’d encourage you to stay plugged into a church even when it feels like a lonely or hard place to be.

Choose to see your singleness as a gift by really focusing on how you can serve God right now, in ways that may not be as easy for you in the future.

And most of all, make sure you seek out people who will love you, include you, support you, and release you into your full potential in God – not just when you’re married - but right now, exactly as you are.


And Then There Were Three…


Chasing Your Dreams